Today is unique. So are you.
In fact, you and today together is a one-of-a-kind occurrence. Think about that. Take that in. Never before. Never again. The two of you together. Allow the magic that’s already in motion. Celebrate!
In fact, you and today together is a one-of-a-kind occurrence. Think about that. Take that in. Never before. Never again. The two of you together. Allow the magic that’s already in motion. Celebrate!
I started feeling suspicious whenever I would witness something great happening around me – the dog being especially cute; the sunrise incredibly colorful – and I’d grab the camera to record the moment, with caption in mind, so that I could post it. I started to see how I was missing the present by focusing on the future – thinking ahead of others …
As the weather shifts from summer to fall, from warm to chilly with decreasing daylight, the body gets stressed, which can weaken the immune system. Plus, the flu virus arrives to find hosts. There are yoga practices we can do during this period to help ourselves lessen the chances that we’ll succumb. Eat well – certain foods …
Continue reading “Give Yourself a Fighting Chance against Cold and Flu”
You would think, because breathing is so fundamental to survival, that most (if not all) of us would be born instinctually knowing how to do it effectively. The truth is otherwise. The good news: breathing is driven by the brain. The brain closely (and quickly) monitors data from the tissues about oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. …
Repetition becomes boring. It’s probably what makes exercise easy to dread: it usually involves repetition (sometimes aka “reps”). As a competitive swimmer from age 8 – 13, then a professional dancer from 20 until 41, I’ve had a lifetime’s share of repetitive movement. Knowing what’s coming next is drudgery – but that’s me. I believe …
According to an ancient text on Yoga*, there are five types of giving and taking. If you take one hundred percent and don’t give anything in return, you can be called a thief. If you take one hundred percent and give fifty percent, you’re a debtor. If you take one hundred percent and give one …
We do it to ourselves. The ancient yogis identified “inclinations” that we have as humans – we incline, or lean, towards distraction. Yoga came about as a method to end the suffering that distraction causes. Technology may have sped up our ability to get tasks done more efficiently, but we’re really no different than the …
Movement – specifically, yoga – serves bone health by keeping bones strong (i.e., tough, hard, solid with elasticity) through the application of non-threatening weight-bearing. This results in BMD, or Bone Mineral Density. (Healthy adult bones will exhibit a ratio of 33.3% organic matter to 66.7% inorganic matter. The organic parts provide elasticity and toughness – …
Build neck strength in all 4-directions (front, side, side & back) in this free 4-minute video you can do either standing or sitting. See more of the world and breathe deeper at the same time.
Images such as this make the news and, now, seemingly represent Yoga. Many tell me, upon seeing these types of images, this is what goes through their minds: “Well, obviously I can’t do Yoga: I’m not…. thin enough strong enough flexible enough able to balance!” Interesting – those are exactly the results it creates. If you have a similar …