Surprisingly Simple and Irresistibly Good (for You)

Sherry Anderson-Brooks, a long time friend and current subscriber, has become more vegan/vegetarian-leaning lately and shared this recipe with me. I tried it out and, just like when I tried out yoga, I immediately thought “this is share-worthy!” Needing to lower my LDL (bad) cholesterol, but loving a really flavorful BLT during the summer when …

2023 Hall of Fame Village Sunrise Summer Solstice Yoga: A “Splashing Success!”

Practicing yoga at sunrise, facing east, is an ancient tradition; one welcomes the gift of a new day by achieving a new state of mind. Practicing yoga at sunrise, facing east, on the first day of summer has become the International Day of Yoga.   I’ve been blessed to lead these early morning rituals for …

April’s Lower Back Thanked Me

April lives with chronic lower back pain.  Immediately upon finishing this practice, she emphatically announced that it effectively reduced compression and removed pain.  She was quite happy!

Bone Density Boost 1 – Full Version

Here’s a 62-minute sequence that places non-threatening stress on the bones most at risk of breaking in the event of a fall: the skull, vertebra, ribs, breastbone, collarbones, arms/hands and pelvis.  Several 60+ year old women who have practiced practices like this have reported increased bone-density results!  

Chair Yoga 3

Remain seated – but keep the rest of the body moving!  Chair Yoga is helpful for anyone with balance issues, arthritic joints (especially in the lower body), injuries or post-op recovery. This sequence also builds hip and core strength – perfect for remaining upright securely!