Acceptance (without Disapproving)
Bring Respect to room temperature. Stir gently until it becomes Understanding. Fill with Acceptance. Makes enough for everybody.
Om, Shante, Shante, Shante
Peace in the space above us; peace in the space around us; peace within us.
What is Peace? Big concept, but this might be a way to find out:
Offer Respect. Unconditionally.
Respect to Understand. Wear someone else’s shoes.
Understand to Accept… without Disapproving. (If we only accept, but not approve, we’re judging.)
Peace in the space above us: we can apply this to God (as we understand God). I’m convinced we’re all talking about the same thing – just using different terminologies.
Peace in the space around us: family, friends, strangers – look at others with a compassionate curiosity – find things in common, rather than differences.
Peace within us: we can look at ourselves with clarity AND compassion; it’s time to let go of self-judgement.