Immuno-Boost Chair Yoga

Stay well this cold and flu season by keeping the lymph moving regularly.  The blood is pumped by the heart, but the lymph is moved by us.  Movement keeps the immune system poised to fight off invasion effectively.

Experiencing the Experience

I started feeling suspicious whenever I would witness something great happening around me – the dog being especially cute; the sunrise incredibly colorful – and I’d grab the camera to record the moment, with caption in mind, so that I could post it. I started to see how I was missing the present by focusing on the future – thinking ahead of others …

Give Yourself a Fighting Chance against Cold and Flu

As the weather shifts from summer to fall, from warm to chilly with decreasing daylight, the body gets stressed, which can weaken the immune system. Plus, the flu virus arrives to find hosts. There are yoga practices we can do during this period to help ourselves lessen the chances that we’ll succumb. Eat well – certain foods …